You are invited to explore these links and resources for more beautiful, fascinating, inspiring and important things, beyond research.
In English
- Aeon: thought-provoking essays, videos, and more.
- Artemis Leontis and her extraordinary book on Eva Palmer-Sikelianos.
- Piano, Poetry, Pantelis, Politics: a blog about, music, literature, friends, and resistance, by Vassilis Lambropoulos.
- The Tragedy of Revolution: a site on the Tragedy of Revolution in Modern Drama, by Vassilis Lambropoulos.
- Modern Greek Program, UoM: Greek literature, culture and scholarship, resonating to the world.
- University Musical Society (UMS): performing arts in Ann Arbor from the entire world.
- Cornelius Castoriadis, interview 1, and interview 2 (both with English subtitles): on individual and collective autonomy.
- Counterpunch: magazine and website on politics, in the US and the world.
- The PressProject, International Edition: articles and news about Greece, Europe, and the world.
- Dimitris Papaioannou: the most celebrated contemporary Greek visual artist, one of the most influential European choreographers of our times. See here for his most recent performance at Ann Arbor’s UMS, at Power Center.
- Agora: the Urban Planning and Design Journal at the University of Michigan. It is an award-winning, annual, student-run, peer-reviewed publication of the University of Michigan. Beautiful, informative and worth exploring!

In Greek
- FRMK (φάρμακον, medicine in greek): magazine for the exploration of poetry as a phenomenon.
- Marginalia: a magazine about books, culture, and politics.
- Χάρτης (chartis, map in greek): monthly magazine of literature and art.
- Cornelius Castoriadis, interview 1, and interview 2 (both with English subtitles): on individual and collective autonomy.
- The PressProject: independent journalism on Greece, Europe, and the world.
- Dimitris Papaioannou: the most celebrated contemporary Greek visual artist, one of the most influential European choreographers of our times. See here a video on C.P. Cavafy’s “Waiting for the barbarians”.
- AtlanticMedian (greek: Ατλαντική Διάμεσος): Eleni’s blog, sharing thoughts and stories which dance on her Atlantic median.